How to add a Mirror Ball nadir

How to add a Mirror Ball nadir

GoThru Nadir Manager now allows you to put a mirror ball nadir below out from your panorama. As you can see in the figure below.

It's amazing to have such a stunning nadir, isn`t it? Using GoThru, you can easily make something like that. Here are the procedures for adding that beautiful mirror ball nadir to your panoramas.

1. In GoThru Constellations, select your tour from the list and press the Tools button.

2. In the Tools screen, press Nadir.

3. Click on the Patch Nadir button on a panorama to adjust the size and start patching the nadir to the panoramas.

4. Position the mouse cursor inside the circle and move it up to enlarge the nadir or down to contract it. Once you have reached the desired size press Mirror Ball.

5. GoThru will generate the mirror ball, when the process is finished press Apply all or only to the selected panorama.

6. Wait 1-2 minutes and reload the page, your tour preview should show now panoramas with the mirror ball nadir.