Comprehensive Guide to Creating Virtual Tours with the New GoThru

Introducing the New GoThru Backend!
Hey GoThru community! We’re excited to introduce the brand-new GoThru backend—redesigned to be modern, cleaner, and faster. Whether you’re managing tours, editing images, or publishing to Street View, this update makes everything more intuitive and efficient. Let’s dive into the enhanced features and streamlined workflows that will elevate your virtual tour creation experience.
Step 1: Sign in and get started
- Sign in to Gothru. You will be taken to the Gothru dashboard.
- If you are still on the old interface, switch the New GoThru from this:

- Create a New Tour. Select the tour type, in this case we are going to select Google maps business tour.
- Enter the tour name for a hosted tour or location for a Google tour.
- Once you find it, click Next then follow the steps.
Step 2: Upload panoramas
1. Click Upload panorama
2. Use the Drop Zone to upload your Pre-Stitched Panoramas or use the Import from Google Drive button to import panoramas from your Google Drive account.
3. Wait until the upload is finished. Once the upload or importing finished, press Connect Image to initiate the moderation process.
Step 3: The moderation process
The moderation process implies the following steps:
- In the moderator, double-click on the first panorama or drag it to the Main box.
- Drag or double-click on the next panorama and the preview image paced in the middle of the center line as shown.
- Press Auto Link. This is the moment when the AI Moderator begins its work. By selecting the Auto Link, you enable the system to automatically detect and connect related images based on their spatial and contextual relevance.
Auto Link performs exceptionally well when the images are spaced 3-5 meters (10-15 feet) apart, provided there is a clear path between them. This optimal distance ensures that the AI can accurately identify and connect the images.
- You'll notice that moderator has automatically created a link between the first and second panoramas on the map.
Note: You can use the Up and Down arrows on the image to switch between views and ensure a good connection between panoramas. Scrolling the mouse will zoom in/out of the panorama, affecting the map's panorama distance.
- To visually verify the link, press the arrow and the "F" key (F=flip).
- Right click on the new link on the map to close the connection.
- You can lock or unlock the connection all at once.
- Continue the moderation process by finding the next panorama in the unconnected images. If needed, you can reposition the constellation on the map by selecting and dragging it or rotating it according to your requirements.
- Once all panoramas are linked, click "Save" in the top left corner to complete the moderation process.
Step 4: Publish Your Tour
1. At the top right corner of the moderator, press the Publish button.
3. The final step: press Publish to confirm the publishing. Your tour is now on Google Street View (the links between panoramas will become active in about 48 hours).